Project's information

Project's title Study on application of nanodiamonds for enrichment, fractionation and mass spectrometric/proteomics analysis of membrane proteins.
Project’s code VAST.ĐLT.03/17-18
Research hosting institution Institute of Biotechnology
Project leader’s name Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong
Project duration 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019
Project’s budget 500 million VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project
- Develop the diamond nanoparticle-based method for fractionation and analysis of membrane protein samples.
- Successful application of this method for identification and analysis of the serum membrane proteins of Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients in Vietnam.
Main results
- Functionalization and characterization diamond nanoparticles for enrichment and capture of the target peptides/proteins.
- A nanodiamond -based method for fractionation and mass spectrometric/proteomics analysis of human serum membrane proteins.
- List of 389 membrane proteins in ACS patient serum sample.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

Earlier studies showed that surface oxidative nanodiamonds have exceptionally high affinity for proteins including bacterial membrane proteins detergent micelles. The study focused on the development of a novel nanodiamond method for analysis of other classes of membrane proteins, a target membrane protein (host cell receptor of vaccinia virus’s surface protein rA27) and human serum membrane proteins. For a target membrane protein, our novel rA27-coated nanodiamond is capable of isolation, enrichment, and SDS-PAGE characterization of host cell’s receptor membrane proteins of rA27 protein. The impressive results were published in a high-impact factor journal (Analytical Chemistry, SCI-Q1, IF2018=6.35).  And we also successfully developed a diamond nanoparticle-based method for enrichment, fractionation and analysis of membrane protein samples from human serum. We have not find any similar method in the litterature and our novel method is continued to be validated with a bigger number of sample for its broad application and near-future publications.

Products of the project
- Scientific papers in referred journals (list): 01 national paper, 01 international paper (ISI), 01 international manuscript
- Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place):
1. The surface functionalization and characterization method of Diamond nanoparticle to enrich and capture the target peptides/proteins (for instances, host cell receptor of a particular virus surface proteins, e.g vaccinia virus rA27 protein), stored at the Institute of Biotechnology.
2. The diamond nanoparticle-based method for fractionation and mass spectrometric/proteomics analysis of human serum membrane proteins, stored at the Institute of Biotechnology.
3. Result of identification and analysis of serum membrane proteins from at least one serum sample of ACS patient in Vietnam: List of 389 membrane proteins in ACS patient serum sample, stored at the Institute of Biotechnology.