Project's information

Project's title Study diversity plant in Sao La Nature Reserve, Thua Thien Hue Province, Search some biological activitive species as food for Sao La and proposing solutions for conservation of ex-situ (ex-situ) at the Center for Conservation of Vietnam Natural Resources and Rescue of Animal and Plants.
Project’s code VAST04.09/18-19
Research hosting institution Vietnam National Museum of Nature
Project leader’s name Vu Tien Chinh
Job Title, The rank of a Professor, Academic degree Dr.
Project duration 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project

- Assessment of the status of vascular plant source in Sao La Nature Reserve in Thua Thien Hue province.
- Identifying plant species which are food for Saola, screening biological activitie substances and attempting their ability to grow and develop.
- Proposing measures for conservation and useing sustainablely in the studied area.

Main results

To Science:
- Surveyed and assessmented biodiversity of vascular plant at Saola Nature Reserve
- Looked for biological activities of a plant species in the reserve
- propagated two species to be food for Sao La
Applied results:
Protocol to propagate two species which are foods for animal Sao La.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- 746 species of vascular plants  (Tracheophyta) have been found identified.
- Studied and evaluated the biological activity of a plant species, Zingber zerumbert Sm.
- Propagated two species Schismatoglottis calyptrata and  Homalomena occulta in the Centre for Conservation of Vietnam Natural Resources and Rescue of Animal and Plants.

Products of the project
- Published scientific papers (list):
+ Yu-Min Shui*, Chinh Vu Tien*, Tuan Anh Le, Thi Thanh Dat Pham, Van Dat Nguyen, Minh Hoang Duong, 2019. Two new species of Begonia  (Begoniaceae) in central Vietnam, Phytotaxa, 411(1): 057- 064.
+ Trinh Thị Phuc, Vu Tien Chinh*, Tran Văn Tien, Nong Văn Duy, 2019. The Species of the Genus Stephania Lour. (Menispermaceae) in Flora of Vietnam,  Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences, Vol. 4. pp. 22 - 35.
- Patents (attached list): 0
- Project’s products (descriptions and stored places):