Project's information

Project's title Updating the database and evaluating the condition of Vietnam energy system and recommendations
Research hosting institution Institute of Energy Science
Project leader’s name PhD. Doan Van Binh
Project duration 01/01/2014 - 01/01/2015
Project’s budget 1,000,000,000 VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

- Establishing the energy system database of Vietnam with update to 2013, served for the management and research – development of sustaianble energy system.
- Designing the program framework for energy science and technology research and development in the period 2016- 2020, contributing to the sustainable energy development and ensuring the national energy security, in line with green growth strategy of Vietnam.

Main results

- Theoretical results:
+ Constructing the energy database of Vietnam, ensuring the comprehensiveness of the energy data and economic- social – environmental indicators, with categorized structure of national, sectorial and subsector levels.
+ Report on evaluating existing condition of the Vietnam energy system. The report evaluated the condition of primary energy, technology for exploiting and processing energy resources, energy infrastructure, energy legislative, institutional and policy framework.
+ Report on analyzing and addressing issues of energy science and technology that need to be tackled in the period 2016- 2020. The report identified the macro issues on energy system optimization, energy demand - supply balance, updated advance technology of exploiting and consuming energy that can be applied in Vietnam, and identified scienctific foundation for selecting institution, policy for managing, exploiting and consuming energy efficiently and economically.
+ The program framework on energy science and technology research and development in the period 2017 – 2020. The content of the framework includes objectives, research problems, expected products, evaluation criteria, timetable and schedule, and planned budget.
- Applied results:
+ Energy database of Vietnam
+ Programe framework on energy science and technology research and development in the period 2017 – 2020.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Updating the existing condition of Vietnam energy system, energy technology, institution and policy on energy.
- Approaching to conduct the research on energy system planning according to different levels of energy system, from the comprehensive system at national level to the sectorial level.
- Constructing the database on existing condition of Vietnam energy systemm served for research on the comprehensive energy system. Supplement data and figure on economy, society, environment and energy resources.
- Recommending on energy science and technology issues that need to be tackled in the period 2016- 2020. Designing the program framework on energy science and technology research and development to be suitable to functions, duties and capacbility of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, as well as the urgency of the research problems.

Products of the project

Final report of the research
Report on existing condition of Vietnam energy system
Report on energy science and technology issues of Vietnam in the period 2016 - 2020
Program framework on energy science and technology research and development at national level in the period 2017 – 2020

Research region

- Updated data and figure was cited in research and study of Institute of Energy Science and served for constructing the energy sector database of the Institute.
- Methodology for energy system planning was applied in research and development activities of the Institute.
- Young researchers participated into the research can access to the data and figure of Vietnam energy systems. At the same time, they introduced and presents some aspects of the reserched in energy conference co-organized by the Institute of Energy Science and University of Science and Technology Hanoi.
- Some parts of the research are selected and prepared for writing an article to present in national and international conference and/ or published on energy journal.