Project's information

Project's title Research and development on new material and manufacturing technology in security – national defense applications.Project ID: VAST.TD.AN-QP/14-16
Project leader’s name Dr. Nguyen Van Thao
Project duration 01/01/2014 - 01/01/2016
Project’s budget 43,850,000,000 VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

Aim: Development of material and manufacturing technology which have special properties for security – national defense applications.
Specific goals:
- Manufacturing new nanomaterial-reinforced composites with high strength and light weight applied in impact-resistant and bulletproof products in security - national defense fields;
- Technology development on manufacturing of tungsten alloy based cannon projectile for national defense;
- To master manufacturing technology of lubricants, heat transfer oils using nanomaterial additives and serve security - national defense applications.

Main results

- Built material and manufacturing technolgies which have special properties for security –national defense applications including (1) nanomaterial-reinforced composites with high strength and light weight applied in impact-resistant and bulletproof products; (2) WC-8Ni alloy based 85-mm KE cannon projectiles (kinectic energy - KE); (3) lubricants and heat transfer oils.
- Pilot manufactured products including impact-resistant assessories and bulletproof jackets; 85-mm KE cannon projectile; engine oils for small ships, tanks, armored vehicles. These products have been field tested, met requirements and qualified.
- The technologies obtained by the project has been taken into consideration toward practical applications in cooperation with manufacturers from Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Public Security.


Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

The project has resulted in high techonology products in which some are the first time manufactured and qualified in Vietnam.

Research region

- Pilot production unit (Institute of Technical Chemistry, Biology, and Business data), General Logistics Department (Ministry of Public Security).
- General Technical Department (Ministry of Defence).
- The Army Officer College N¬o1 (Ministry of Defence).
- Regiment 384 (Motorcycle and Vehicle Department), General Technical Department (Ministry of Defence).