Project's information

Project's title Research, development support management and performance using VNREDSat-1 data Project's code: VT/UD-01/15
Project’s list Space Science and Technology
Project leader’s name Ms. Tran Tuan DatResearch hosting institution: Department of National Remote Sensing, MONRE
Project duration 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2016
Project’s budget 1.500 million VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project

Overall goal: Support for the management, operation and exploitation of VNREDSat-1 remote sensing system.
Detail objectives:
- Develop a VNREDSat-1 image identification method
- Develop a set of tools to support the management and publishing VNREDSat-1 data.

Main results

-    Theoretical results: Developed a VNREDSat-1 image identification method
-    Applied results: developed a set of tools to support the management and publishing VNREDSat-1 data on Web. This a set of tools will be attched  to the Department of National Remote Sensing website, include : extracts metadata, extracts the footprint of scenes, extracts quicklook images, the tool supports display and lookup, view photos rename tool. Navigation 600 scenes photos VNREDSat-1 has been renamed under the new identification method.


Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

Construction is the tool extracts information data from the current catalog system then integrates with the website of the Department to serve the widely publicized search for the user's data. These tools will be integrated into the website of the National Remote Sensing Department has to support the management, exploitation and operation data effectively VNREDSat-1 has announced support for remote sensing data

Research region

Department of National Remote Sensing, MONRE
Office of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Office of Science and Technology Space Program
Department of Information Science and Technology National