Project's information

Project's title Studying and developing a managing and monitoring system for frontiers and harbours using VNREDSat-1 images and equivalent sources to serve maintaining national security work (The system is tested at Phu Quoc Island and Saigon Harbour)”. Project's code: VT/UD-06/14-15
Project’s list Space Program
Project leader’s name Nguyen Van BinhResearch hosting institution: B42, General Department V, Ministry of Public Security.
Project duration 01/01/2014 - 01/01/2016
Project’s budget 3.5 billion VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project

•    Strengthen capacity of utilizing VNREDSat-1 images to serve national public security tasks.
•    Research and develop procedures and tools which integrate multisource information for detection, monitoring and warning of particular objects/targets.
•    Develop a system for automatic target (i.e.: ship and construction) detection and monitoring on sea using VNREDSat-1 images and/or equivalents to serve national security tasks.
•    Run the system at research hosting institution and its partners.

Main results

-    Theory and training results:
    A research and development report which is sufficient, logical and explicit.
    One article was published on international journal and another was published on the Springer Book. Three papers were in national science journals.
    Training a Master of Science and two Bachelors of Science.
-    Application results: An operational system is developed to provide services for detection and monitoring of ships and constructions on the sea.


Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

In this project, a comprehensive research on  management and monitoring of coastal and seaport region using VNREDSat-1 images and equivalent sources for national security tasks had been conducted. The project investigate methodologies and technologies, validate and then, improve them in a scientific manner for the VNREDSat-1 data and designed tasks. The project’s contributions are as follows.

•    Investigate and propose geometric correction, radiometric calibration and image fusion methods for VNREDSat-1 images processing.
•    Investigate and propose an effective ship detection method using VNREDSat-1 images. The integration method of ship detected from VNREDSat-1 and Automatic Identification System (AIS) is researched and developed for automatic abnormal ship detection on the interested sea region.
•    Investigate and propose a change detection method which is applied for construction monitoring from VNREDSat-1 images.
•    Design and develop an operational system for ship and construction monitoring on the sea in which proposed methods processed VNREDSat-1 images and AIS data to provide ship and construction monitoring services (i.e.: processing, management, visualization and distribution) on WebGIS interfaces.

Research region

Place of application or suggested application (if applicable): Ministry of Public Security; VietNam Maritime Administration; Borderland Security.