Project's information

Project's title Research, evaluation and forecasting of storm resistant of steel high slender structures using vibration methods. Project's code: VAST.ĐLT.10/14-15
Project’s list Support young scientists of the Vietnam Academy of Natural Science and Technology.
Project leader’s name Nguyen Van Quang
Project duration 01/01/2014 - 01/01/2015
Project’s budget 500 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

- Research and development of methods for monitoring, evaluating and issuing warnings about the stand of high slender structures under wind loads to prevent damage caused by storms.
- Experiments in the laboratory to test the effectiveness of the methods.
- Support the specialized training and education for analyzing and monitoring structures.

Main results

- Theoretical results: Theoretical background of the structural health monitoring using vibration methods. Dynamic analysis and calculation of the resistance of intact structures under storms. Developing methods for detection of structural damage. Modeling damaged structures, evaluation and forecasting the resistant of damaged structures under storms.
- Applied results: Application for detection of damage of high slender structures. Forecasting the resistance of damaged high slender structures under storms.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- Development of vibration methods for damage detection of  structures.
- Development of methods for the calculation and prediction the resistance of high slender structures under storms.

Research region

FALCON company.
* Petition of the project’s leader (if applicable):
- The resutls of the project can be developed next for practical application to detect and warn the risk of collapse of high slender structures before hurricane season.