Main results | On science: - Testing for selection of the plastic material (PA6, PP, HDPE ...), base plastic (epoxy, phenolformandehit, polyvinyl butiral ...), textiles (carbon fiber, aramid fiber, UHMWPE fiber ...), floating materials for making lifejackets, Nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes, nanoclay, nanoparticles MgO, TiO2 ...). Completing materials denaturated technology for enhancing dispersion ability and matching better with manufacturing requirements for bullet-proof, impact- resistance materials. - Research, testing, finding optimum conditions, establishing the method of fabrication of polyme nano compozit materials on the basis of the plastic material (PA6, PP, HDPE ...) with nano materials (nano carbon tubes, nanoclay ...) applied in the fabrication of impact-resistant materials. - Research, testing, finding optimum conditions, establishing the method of fabrication of polyme nano compozit materials on the basis of fabrics (carbon, aramid, UHMWPE...), base plastic (epoxy, phenolformandehit, polyvinyl butiral..) with nano materials (nano carbon tubes, nanoclay, ...) applied in the fabrication of impact-resistant and bullet-proof materials . - Research, manufacture of float coat combined with bullet-proof materials for bullet-proof simultaneously floating on the water with the durability, fire-resistant, oil resistant with TCVN 7282:2008 for life jacket. Designed, fabricated, evaluated the quality, and established the production technology process of bulletproof lifejackets for K54 shotguns, bulletproof lifejackets for AK47 submachine gun on the basis of polymer nanocomposite materials. - Research, design, manufacturing, innovation, improving quality of impact-resistant and bulletproof products on the basis of products which are currently produced: Impact-resistant helmet, Impact-resistant hand protection equipment on the basis of nanocompozit polymer materials; Soft-equipment for leg protection, Bulletproof plate for AK47 submachine gun and a bullet-proof shield for AK47 submachine gun on the basis of fabric nanocompozit materials from which setting the technology process for production of these products. - Research, testing, finding optimum conditions, establishing the method of fabrication of high density oxide aluminum ceramic increased durability by Nanomaterials (nanoclay, nano particles MgO, TiO2 ..) applied in the fabrication senior bullet-resistant reinforcement products from which setting the technology process for manufacturing of level IV bulletproof under NIJ standard 01.01.06 (USA)for bulletproof of sniper rifle, machine gun. - Use effectively the numerical simulation software Autodyn Ansys 11.0 in studying the mechanism, collision process and prediction of bulletproof, impact - resistance capabilities of the material system, clarifying the factors that affect bullet resistant, impact-resistant of material, shortening the amount of work in the study and increasing the reliability of the results obtained. Calculation results match the results of testing of impact-resistant and results of actual testing shooting according to NIJ standards 01.01.06, USA On Application: On the basis of the results of research, material systems in the research are deployed produced for testing for bulletproof, impact-resistant products in application deployment unit (Technical Institute of chemistry, biology and materials, General Department of Logistics Technology, Ministry of Public Security) with semi-industrial production scale with the targets achieved and exceeded the proposed explanations: - Bulletproof lifejackets for K54 shotguns, - Bulletproof lifejackets for AK47 submachine gun - Bulletproof plate for PKMS machine gun - Impact-resistant hand protection equipment - Impact- resistant helmet - Soft-equipment for leg protection - Bulletproof plate for AK47 submachine gun - Bulletproof shield for AK47 submachine gun 

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results | * Use the new composite materials reinforced by nanomaterial in researching and manufacturing of tools support for impact-resistant, bullet-proof with high durability, lightweight in service of security - defense. * Use the numerical simulation software Autodyn Ansys 11.0 in studying the mechanism, collision process and prediction bulletproof capabilities, impact resistance of the material system, clarifying the factors that affect bullet resistant, impact-resistant of material, shortening the amount of work in the study and increasing the reliability of the results obtained. * Research and manufacture successfully for 03 new bulletproof products in Vietnam with similar features with foreign products: - Bulletproof lifejackets for K54 shotguns, - Bulletproof lifejackets for AK47 submachine gun - Bulletproof plate for PKMS machine gun * Improve, enhance the quality of 5 bulletproof , impact-resistant products towards increasing durability, reducing the weight of the product: - Impact-resistant hand protection equipment - Impact- resistant helmet - Soft-equipment for leg protection - Bulletproof plate for AK47 submachine gun - Bulletproof shield for AK47 submachine gun |
Research region | - Conduct the pilot production at development at the Institute of Chemical Biology and professional documents, and the General Department of Logistics and Technology of the Ministry of Public Security
Recommendations of the project leaders (if any): The result of the subject indicates that the feasibility in the fabrication of impact-resistant and bullet-proof products used for soldiers from the complex of materials, nanomaterials in durable, lightweight trend with the increase of new features, and shelf life. Project Leaders recommend that Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology should continue to create conditions for implementing the project or pilot production of the products listed above and extend the research of some of new impact-resistant and bullet-proof products not studied yet (an impact-resistant shield, an impact-resistant body armor, a bullet-proof cap, a bullet-proof mask, bullet-proof glass, a bullet-proof lecture podium, a bullet-proof guard booth...) for the military, public security in order to serve the fight against criminals, protect our national security and territorial integrity. |