Project's information

Project's title The Grassroots Political system for serving sustainable development of Tay Nguyen
Project’s list State’s key science-technology program “Science and technology for serving Tay Nguyen region’s social - economic development”. Program Project's code: KHCN-TN3/11-15 (Tay Nguyen 3 Project)
Project leader’s name Prof. PhD. Vo Khanh Vinh
Project duration 01/01/2012 - 01/01/2014
Project’s budget VNĐ
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

The overall objectives of the project is study to create a scientific basis for renewal and development The Political system at grassroots level, identify and realize the fuldamental relationship in The Grassroots Political system of provinces in Tay Nguyen towards serving sustainable development of Tay Nguyen, ensuring power belongs to the people, democratic pratices in the institutions of political power, continue to develop of socialist democracy in the process of promoting contruction of Vietnam socialist rule in 2011- 2020, with a vision to 2030.

Based on the overall objectves, the subject identified specific goals, missions as following:

  • Clarifying the basic theoritical aspects related to sustainable developmet and requirements of sustainable development of Tay Nguyen; outlines the elements of a grassroots political system in Tay Nguyen; analysis clarifies the role of the political system at the local level and individual institutions in the political system for sustainable development of Tay Nguyen; analysis of factors affecting the process of building, consolidating and developing the political system at the grassroots level in Tay Nguyen in which the focus is on the elements of the characteristics of Tay Nguyen, roles and forms democratic practices of the people in building Grassroots political system in Tay Nguyen. On that basis, formed the conceptual basis for the reasoning to further consolidate and develop the grassroots political system for serving sustainable development of Tay Nguyen.
  • Research experience in building and developing the grassroots political system in some other areas in the country and the experience of some countries with geopolitical and population structure parallels with Vietnam.
  • Assess the evolutional development and pratical organization and operation of the grassroots system political in Tay Nguyen since 1986; indicate the operational effeciency and levels of responsiveness of the grassroots political system for sustainable development needs of Tay Nguyen; determine the realistic requirements of the continued development of the grassroots political system in provinces of Tay Nguyen in view of sustainable development.
  • Proposing orientations and solutions continue to develop the grassroots political system for serving sustainable development of Tay Nguyen in 2011- 2020, with a vision to 2030. On this basis, contributing more scientific grounds for amending, suplementing the Constitution in 1992 of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and recommendating the specific contents for the drafting documents to submit XII Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
Main results

Theoretical results: General Report, Summary Report, Recommendations Report; 4 Product report (4 report research contents); 3 Articles

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

Clarifying the issue of sustainable development Tay Nguyen from political stability; identify characteristics of Tay Nguyen. Determination of criteria for assessing the response of grassroots political system towards sustainable development in Tay Nguyen. Thereby creating a theoretical basis, methodology for innovation, to raise awareness of the position and the importance of renewing the Grassroots political system for serving sustainable development in Tay Nguyen.

Products of the project

The article was published (list):

The role of the Fatherland Front and mass organizations implementing law and democracy at communes level in the provinces of Tay Nguyen, the Journal of State and Law 10/2013
Some theoretical issues and build the grassroots political system for serving sustainable development Tay Nguyen, Journal of Man power and Social Sciences 10/2014
Improving institutional models supply the requirements of the grassroots political system innovation for serving sustainable development Tay Nguyen, Journal of State and Law 11/2014
The specific product: The 3 report (general reports, summary reports, recommendations report); 4 product reports (4 report research contents)