Project's information

Project's title Researching Assessing the salinization process and proposing the solutions of reasonable exploitating and using water resources resources (surface water and groundwater) for socio-economic development in coastal area of Ha Tinh province
Project leader’s name Dr. Phan Van Truong
Project duration 01/01/2013 - 01/01/2015
Project’s budget 500.000.000 VND
Classify Good
Goal and objectives of the project
  • To determine the situation of surface water and groundwater salinization in the context of sea level rise due to climate change, coastal area of Ha Tinh province;
  • To propose solutions to minimize saltwater intrusion, reasonable extraction to limit saltwater intrusion and additional development for freshwater sources.
Main results
  • Investigation and analysis results of 700 samples and geophysical survey (11 routes) and project described the situation of salinity and predict changes in salinity of surface and groundwater up to 2020, 2030 in coastal area of Ha Tinh province.
  • Proposing solutions to reduce saltwater intrusion, reasonable extraction to limit saltwater intrusion and additional development for freshwater sources to serve the socio - economic development needs in coastal area of Ha Tinh province.
  • To participate in training (01 master) and scientific papers in referred journals (3 papers in specialized scientific journals).
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

Results of the Project will contribute to the development of related specialized science, to innovate research about water resources by a combination of modern methods, contribute to raising awareness among managers and people about protection, exploitating  and using of water resources, particularly, to increased possibilities of human to cope with the salinization of water resources under the impact of climate change and sea level rise.

Research region
  • Serving the management and opposing of water resources salinization of Environment and Resources Department, Science and Technology Department and Ha Tinh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
  • Serving plan orients the exploiting and using water of water supply companies, water using businesses and  people in research area.