Project's information

Project's title Study on modulation technology of Anti-fouling paint which is environmentally friendly from seaweed extracts
Project leader’s name MSc. Truong Anh Khoa
Project duration 01/01/2011 - 01/01/2013
Project’s budget 400 million VNĐ
Classify Medium
Goal and objectives of the project

Building technology process modulating environmentally friendly antifouling paint from seaweed extracts for 2 types of paint.

Main results

- Theoretical results:
o The fist synthesis report in Vietnam has developed technology process modulating environmentally friendly antifouling paint based on the active substances used in seaweed.
o Experimental results showed that 02 types of environmentally friendly anti-fouling paint modulated have the resistance to organisms clinging as good as the controlled anti-fouling paint – Hai Au paint. Testing results for the resistance to organisms are all over 12 months.
o Proving the friendliness to the environment of the products compared with paint samples containing copper.
- Applied results: Can be used for anti-fouling work for most types of wooden and iron ships.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

Research has created anti-fouling layer being well resistant to attached organisms, environmentally friendly, can be anti-fouling more than 12 months