Project's information

Project's title Marine environment monitoring in the Central part of Vietnam, 2013
Research hosting institution Institute of Mechanics
Project leader’s name Ass. Prof. PhD. Nguyen Thi Viet Lien
Project duration 01/01/2013 - 01/01/2013
Project’s budget 300,000,000 VND
Classify Bad
Goal and objectives of the project

- Project was conducted from 1996 to now for the purpose of having a systematic, regular and periodical data on marine water and sediment quality of the Central part.
- The collected data is used for assessing marine environment quality in the national scale and for preparing national environment status report.

Main results

- Theoretical results: Coastal marine environment quality data including physical-chemical parameters; nutrients and organic matters; heavy metals and cyanide; coliform; oil; chlorophyll a, b; pesticides; plankton and benthos from two sampling campains conducted in April and October of 2013 at 5 sampling sites along the coast line from Quang Binh to Binh Dinh province, including Deo Ngang, Con Co, Da Nang, Dung Quat and Quy Nhon.
- Applied results: Monitoring data would be helpful for managers of Pollution Control Department (Vietnam Environment Administration) and the related provinces for assessment the environmental quality status and timely warning about environmental pollution in the Central part of Vietnam.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

A new data set on coastal marine environment quality of the Central part of Vietnam in 2013

Products of the project

+ Technical chracteristics: 02 Monitoring reports for 2 sampling campains and Summary report of 2013.
+ Storing place: Center for Scientific Information, Department of Planning and Finance and Institute of Mechanics (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology); Centre for Environmental Monitoring, Pollution Control Department (Vietnam Environment Administration).