Project's information
Project's title | Investigation of optical properties of nanoparticles and their use for laser medicine |
Research hosting institution | Institute of Physics |
Project leader’s name | Dr. Pham Hong Minh |
Project duration | 01/01/2012 - 01/01/2013 |
Project’s budget | 200.000.000 VND |
Classify | Excellent |
Goal and objectives of the project | • Investigation of absorption, scattering, and extinction of nanoparticles under the action of laser radiation. |
Main results | • Theoretical model succefully been developed, essential regularities of the processes of absorption, scattering, and extinction of nanoparticles under the action of laser radiation, caused by the influence of optical parameters of materials and morphology of nanoparticles. |
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results | Practical significance will be in use of obtained results on elaboration of new selective methods if irradiation of nanoparticles from another metals and their application in laser medicine. Recommendation for choice of optimal parameters of laser pulses and nanoparticles will be done with aim of their practical application. |
Products of the project | 1. Л.Г. Аctaфьева, Г.П. Лeднева, Pham Hong Minh, “Пpeoбpaɜoвaнue oптuчecкoгo uɜлyчeнuя нaнoчacтuцaмu пpu uɜмeнeний иx cтрyктуры и cocтaвa” УДК 538.958+535.43 |
Images of project | |