Project's information

Project's title Develop a set of programs for earthquake short-term prediction based on a combination of statistical model and physical tectonics methods, apply to the territory of Vietnam and surrounding areas
Research hosting institution Institute of Geophysics
Project leader’s name Dr. Ngo Thi Lu
Project duration 01/01/2011 - 01/01/2013
Project’s budget 700 million of VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

- Building algorithms and develop test programs dedicated earthquake short-term prediction applies to the territory of Vietnam and the surrounding areas, especially the North West Vietnam, where there is high seismic activity based on a combination of statistical model and physical tectonics methods; and necessary mathematics procedures.
- Strengthen international cooperation in fostering research, scientists training, improve work capacity and qualifications of Vietnamese scientists, to meet the needs of the research growing of Institute of geophysics.

Main results

Theoretical results:

1. Composite earthquake prediction map of Vietnamese territory and neighboring
2. Test results of earthquake short-term prediction is a list and a map of locations of the predicted events, which are ensured to be correct if user set the program time back to the past, to compare results with occurred events.
3. The project database: Vietnam and the surrounding area earthquake catalogs; Southeast Asia earthquake catalog; foreshocks and aftershocks catalogs….

Applied results: A set of programs “earthquake short-term prediction”

Products of the project

Scientific papers in referred journals (list):

  • Ngô Thị Lư, Trần Việt Phương, 2012. Thiết lập chương trình dự báo động đất theo mô hình thống kê.// Tc Địa chất. Số 331-332; 5-8/2012. Tr. 40-49. ISSN 0866-7381.
  • Ngô Thị Lư, Trần Việt Phương, 2012. Cải biên thuật toán và xây dựng sơ đồ khối của chương trình dự báo động đất cực đại bằng phương pháp vật lý kiến tạo. //Tc Địa chất số 331-332; 5-8/2012. Tr. 50-58. ISSN 0866-7381.
  • Ngô Thị Lư, Lê Thị Thuấn, Phùng Thị Thu Hằng, 2012. Tính địa chấn và các đặc điểm hoạt động động đất khu vực Tây Bắc Bộ (Giai đoạn 1903-2011). //Tc Địa chất số 331-332; 5-8/2012. Tr. 124-130. ISSN 0866-7381.
  • Ngô Thị Lư, Trần Việt Phương, 2012. Về một cách tiếp cận mới đề xây dựng thuật toán và quy trình dự báo động đất theo mô hình thống kê.// Tc. “Các khoa học về Trái đất” T.34, số 4. Hà Nội, 2012.Tr. 535-541.
  • V.F. Pisarenko1, M.V. Rodkin, Ngo Thi Lu, 2012. New general quantile approach to the seismic rick assessment application to the Vietnam region.//Tuyển tập báo cáo HNKH QT “Vật lý địa cầu-Hợp tác và phát triển bền vững. NXB KHTN&CN. Hà Nội 2012. Tr. 161-167.

Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place):

  • A set of programs “earthquake short-term prediction”
  • Composite map of earthquake prediction for Vietnamese territory and neighboring
  • Test results of earthquake short-term prediction: is a list and a map of locations of the predicted events, which are ensured to be correct if user set the program time back to the past, to compare results with occurred events.
  • The project database: Vietnam and the surrounding area earthquake catalogs; Southeast Asia earthquake catalog; foreshocks and aftershocks catalogs….
  • Report of the project performance results and summary of summarizing report project.

Other products : Train one Master towards way of research project (Tran Viet Phuong MA) (Master's degree with a photo attached in the appendix).