Project's information

Project's title Study on carbon steel/stainless steels cracking initiation and propagation in different severe environments and failure prediction
Research hosting institution Institute of Materials Science
Project leader’s name Dr. Le Thi Hong Lien
Project duration 01/01/2010 - 01/01/2012
Project’s budget 400 million VND
Classify Medium
Goal and objectives of the project

- Understanding the mechanism of crack initiation and propagation occur on carbon steel and stainless steels suffering the severe industrial environments.
- Finding the causes and predicting risk of failure.

Main results

a. In scientific and technological fields:
- Determined the threshold stress required for SCC occur and time to failure. The effect of environment temperature and concentration on the initiation and growing up crack was studied.
- Determined the critical potential value of stainless steel 304 and 316 at those SCC may starts, the effect of environmental temperature and concentration of critical potential was observed.
- Determined that propagating mode of crack to be both intergranular and transgranular.
- Established the procedure conducting investigation SCC in the laboratory for carbon steel in alkalized and stainless steel in chloride environments.
b. In applications:
- Established the equipment and procedure of studying SCC in the laboratory that can be used for SCC investigation later on.
- Establish the procedure of failure analysis induced by SCC of carbon steel in alkalized and stainless steel in chloride environments.
- Investigated one failure case of bolt broken due to SCC.
- Proposed the preventions of failure due to SCC.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- The procedure conducting investigation SCC in the laboratory for carbon steel in alkalized and stainless steel in chloride environments.
- The procedure of failure analysis induced by SCC of carbon steel in alkalized and stainless steel in chloride environments.
- The preventions of failure due to SCC.
- Education: 01 Graduated student, 01 Master student