Project's information

Project's title Study and assessment of the role of geological structures and Neotectonic movements in land-fissures and landslides along highway N6 and remediation measures
Research hosting institution Institute of Geological Sciences
Project leader’s name Dr Chinh Vu Van
Project duration 01/01/2008 - 01/01/2009
Project’s budget 400 000 000 VND
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Goal and objectives of the project

To define the role of ancient geological structures and Neotectonic structures and tectonic movements in land-fissure and landslide forming along Highway N6 and to propose their mitigation and remedation measures.

Main results


  • - Về khoa học: Xây dựng được sơ đồ phân vùng dự báo nguy cơ nứt-trượt, lở đất dọc tuyến QL 6, theo các yếu tố nguy cơ cấu trúc địa chất và chuyển động Tân kiến tạo.
  • - Về ứng dụng: Kết quả của đề tài có thể ứng dụng trong công tác quản lý và phòng chống thiên tai vùng Tây Bắc Việt Nam, đặc biệt là quản lý và phòng chống tai biến nứt-trượt, lở đất dọc QL 6.


  • Theorerical results: Provide map-Schemee of land-fissure and lanslide risk zoning and prediction based on geological structural and Neotectonic movement risk factors.
  • Applied results: Results of the research can be applied in the natural hazard management and prevention in Northwestern Vietnam, specially in management and prevention of land-fissures and landslides along Highway N6.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results


Lần đầu tiên phân vùng dự báo nguy cơ nứt-trượt, lở đất dọc tuyến QL 6, theo các yếu tố nguy cơ cấu trúc địa chất và chuyển động Tân kiến tạo được tiến hành.


It’s first time the zoning and prediction of land-fissure and lanslide risk along highway N6 based on geological structural and Neotectonic movement risk factors have been caried out

Products of the project
  • Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place)
  1. Map-Scheme of field survey and documentation of geological structures and Neotectonic movements and actual states of land-fissures and landslide along highway N6
  2. Map-Scheme of relief levels along highway N6
  3. Geological Map of the area along highway N6 and adjacent
  4. Map-Scheme of actual states of land-fissures and landslide along highway N6
  5. Lithological Map-Scheme along highway N6
  6. Map-Scheme of Neotectonic structures highway N6 including actual states of natural haards
  7. Map-Scheme of land-fissure and landslide risk zoning and prediction
  8. Database, illustrative photos et

These products are stored at the Institute of Geological Sciences and Center for Information and Documentation – Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

Research region


Cơ quan quản lý nhà nước các tỉnh có QL 6 chạy qua; Tổng cục Đường bộ Việt Nam.


State management agency of the Provinces along Highway 6; General Department of Vietnam Road.


The orientation of land-fissures and landslide mitigation and prevention along highway N6 must be base on provided by Project Map-Scheme of land-fissure and landslide risk zoning and prediction. It’s the most Project’s importan and applicable result.