Project's information

Project's title Study and propose a method to predict the corrosion rate and to measure the water film thickness inside oil-gas pipeline
Research hosting institution Institute of Mechanics
Project leader’s name Assoc.Prof. Bui Dinh Tri
Project duration 01/01/2009 - 01/01/2010
Project’s budget 350 000 000 VND
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Goal and objectives of the project
  • Propose a method to predict the corrosion rate and to measure the water film thickness inside oil-gas pipeline
  • Propose an available technical solution to limit the corrosion rate inside oil-gas pipeline 
Main results

Theoretical results:

  • Wrote a software to predict the corrosion rate inside oil-gas pipeline
  • Our results are fit well with another author’s results

Applied results: A software to predict: the corrosion rate and the water film thickness inside oil-water pipeline.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

Predict the corrosion rate and calculating water film thickness inside oil-gas pipeline by using both method: the theoretical calculation and the experiment

Products of the project

Scientific papers in referred journals (list)

  • Simulation of Oil-Water Flow in Tube using RANS Model for Multiphase Mixture, Proceeding of International Workshop Thermal Hydrodynamics of Multiphase Flow and Application, May 5-6, pp. 127-134. 2009
  • Evaluating possibility of water wetting and calculating water film thickness in horizontal and slightly inclined oil-water pipelines based on three layer liquid-liquid model, Proceeding of International Conference on engineering mechanics and automation – ICEMA, 2010
Research region

Vietsovpetrol and Institute of Oil & gas VN


This project should be continue to improve the calculating methods and the experiments for safe of the oil gas pipeline system under sea.