
A new species of treefrogs genus Theloderma was discovered by a group of American and Vietnamese herpetologists from the Hoang Lien Mountain of northwestern Vietnam. The name of this new species,...


A McGill researcher has discovered a near-complete skull of a primitive "dugong" illuminating a virtually unknown period in Madagascar fossil history.


China"s failure to control nitrogen emissions could mar its success in reducing environmental levels of sulphur dioxide (SO2), a new study finds. Both nitrogen and sulphur emissions are major...


Several decades ago scientists discovered that the Moon, long thought to have no atmosphere, actually does have an extremely thin exosphere. Scientists generally believe that the ions that make up...


Astronomers have discovered the youngest extra-solar planet around a solar-type star, named BD+20 1790b. The discovery has just been published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.


Scientists are reporting the first identification of substances involved in the Jekyll-and-Hyde transformation that changes harmless marine bacteria into killers that cause "coral bleaching." Their...


Technology designed to blast aliens in computer games is part of a new GPU (Graphics Processing Units) computer cluster that will process CSIRO research data thousands of times faster and more...


Scientists urgently need to agree on universal criteria for monitoring and assessing land degradation around the world, according to a report.


On Wednesday Intel shifted its Tera-scale Computing Research Program into second gear by demonstrating a 48-core x86 processor. The company is intending to use the new chip as a research platform...


Combining satellite data with mobile phones offers cheap and effective tools for managing fires, says South African scientist Philip Frost.   South Africa, like much of the continent, is home to...