Functions: - Managing the Pilot Production Zones of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST); - Carrying out the scientific research activities; - Technology research, development, consulting, and transferring. Task: 1. Manage, organize, and develop the infrastructure of the Pilot Production Zones of VAST. 2. Basic research and technology development in the fields of advanced material, pharmaceutical chemistry, organic chemistry, cosmetics, environment, applied biology, agriculture, food, mechanics, electronics, quality measurement standards, information technology, and digital transformation. 3. Design and build technology products; produce and commercialize products based on scientific and technological research results. 4. Consulting of scientific, technical, and environmental projects, works, and production (including establishment; evaluation; appraisal; supervision, design, and manufacturing...); development of the market for technology transfer, publication, and promotion of technology. 5. Provide scientific and technical services in the fields of biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, environmental monitoring and analysis, environmental consulting, mechanical electronics, materials, telecommunications, digital transformation, and development of quality measurement standards services according to the provisions of law. 6. Consulting and organizing scientific conferences, seminars, and training activities. 7. International cooperation activities in scientific and technical research and application. 8. Management of organization and employees according to the provisions of law and the VAST. 9. Management of the unit's finances and assets according to the provisions of law and the Academy. 10. Fulfilling other tasks assigned by the President of VAST. |
- Manage, organize, and develop the infrastructure of the Pilot Production Zones of VAST. - Basic research and technology development in the fields of advanced material, pharmaceutical chemistry, organic chemistry, cosmetics, environment, applied biology, agriculture, food, mechanics, electronics, quality measurement standards, information technology, and digital transformation - Design and build technology products; produce and commercialize products based on scientific and technological research results. - Provide scientific and technical services in the fields of biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, environmental monitoring and analysis, environmental consulting, mechanical electronics, materials, telecommunications, digital transformation, and development of quality measurement standards services. - International cooperation activities in scientific and technical research and application. |