A11 Building, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Cau Giay Dist., Ha Noi
Director: MSc. Nguyen Thi Van Nga |
Vice Directors: MSc. Tran Danh Minh Hoang Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Van Thanh | |
Decision No: 595/VKH-TCCB ( October 12th,1982)
Signed by: Professor. Tran Đai Nghia
 | | ADDRESS | A11 Building, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Cau Giay Dist., Ha Noi | Phone: 04. 37564373, 04.37564344 | Fax: 04.37564344 | Email: isivast@vnn.vn | | DIRECTORATE | Director: | Msc. Nguyen Thi Van Nga | Vice Directors: | MSc. Tran Danh Minh Hoang | | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Van Thanh | | |
Functions: - Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) has functions to assist the President of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) in managing consistently the science and technology information-documentation network of VAST namely, collection, storage, treatment, propaganda and dissemination of knowledge, the results of scientific research and technology development.
Tasks: - Managing, updating and exploiting the sources of science and technological information stored, preserved at the ISI.
- Managing, building and connecting electronic resources and building a friendly integrated resource environment with users.
- Building and exploiting the databases of ISI (books, magazines, reports of scientific research, excerpted articles, special subject collections…).
- Providing information about the achievements of new science and technology for both the leaders and the staffs of VAST.
- Providing information related to the Intellectual Property (The patent for inventions, the patent for useful solutions and the new related legal document).
- Archiving the results of scientific research at both state and VAST levels.
- Undertaking Vietnamese and world calendar data research projects.Providing the calendar data of Vietnam for internal and external publishers in the country authorized by the leader of VAST
- Training and enhancing the quality of professional activities, professional skills for the staffs working with information – documentation in the library network of VAST’s specialized institutions, focusing on modernizing science information and technology system, setting up electronic library, establishing and applying a national, international standard in information – documentation activities.
- Providing services and implementing an international cooperation on science information - documentation.
- Disseminating information on the scientific research activities and the technological deployment of VAST on mass media and popularizing scientific and technological products of VAST’s unit.
- Performing other missions assigned by the President of VAST under the law.
- Total: 27 - Regular staffs: 26
- Contracted staffs: 01
- Associate professors: 01
- Doctor: 02
- Masters: 05
- Bachelors: 16
- Others: 04
- Electronic and communicative library activities
- Scientific information
- Scientific and intellectual property information;
- Scientific and technological material archiving
- Vietnamese calendar research
- Propagandizing information and popularizing the remarkable Scientific and technological activities of VAST
- Implementing the project “Purchasing foreign scientific and technological journals of VAST in the period of 2011 - 2015” coupled with adding the large number of high-quality foreign e-journals to the digital library. The online journals embrace: ScienceDirect database including 2396 e-journals in the scientific and technological field; SpringerLink database series consisting of over 1200 names of scientific and technological e-journals; 38 ACS e-journals; 12 AIP e-journals; 8 APS e-journal; 66 IOP e-journal names and a ProquestCentral database.
- Electronic library of VAST, address: Website: http://elib.isivast.org.vn., has provided 1.886 ID, PW for the researchers and 17 still IP addresses for institutions of VAST, so as to access the address of VAST’s e-library
- Cooperating with Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) in information – documentation activities.
Website: www.isivast.org.vn |