01 Cau Da, Vinh Nguyen,  Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province, Viet Nam
Director: Assoc Prof, Dr. Dao Viet Ha, senior researcher

Vice Directors: Dr. Ho Van The, principal researcher
Dr. Hoang Xuan Ben, principal researcher







Establishment Decision No. 23/KHCNQG-QĐ dated 19 June 1993 by the National Centre for Natural Science and Technology (Now Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)

Signed by: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Hieu 

01 Cau Da, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam
Tel.: (+84-258) 3590036
Fax: (+84-258) 3590034
Director: Assoc. Dr. Dao Viet Ha
Vice Directors: Dr. Ho Van The, principal researcher
  Dr. Hoang Xuan Ben, principal researcher
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Doan Nhu Hai, senior researcher
Vice chairman: Dr. Hoang Xuan Ben, principal researcher
Secretary: Dr. Nguyen Xuan Vy, principal researcher

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Lam, senior researcher; Assoc Prof, Dr. Dao Viet Ha, senior researcher; Dr.  Le Dinh Mau, senior researcher; Dr. Ho Van The, principal researcher; Dr. Nguyen Van Long, principal researcher; Dr. Pham Xuan Ky, principal researcher


Functions: To carry out fundamental research and investigation, to develop oceanographical technology and to provide high level training and education on marine science and other related fields as defined by law.


a) Carry out fundamental study and research on oceanographic and ecological processes and rules, special phenomena of seas and oceans, hydrospheric - atmospheric - lithospheric interactions and the impact of global climate change in the East Sea;
b) Carry out fundamental investigation on natural conditions, marine biodiversity, biological-ecological-biochemical characteristics of aquatic organisms, marine living and non-living resources, and marine environment of Viet Nam;
c) Apply fundamental scientific results to management practices, rational uses of marine resources, sustainable aquaculture, biodiversity conservation, national sovereignty and environment protection, prediction of oceanographic processes, coastal and marine engineering design;
d) Study and provide environmental monitoring and assessment services;
e) Cooperate and collaborate with inland and foreign organizations and individuals to conduct scientific activities and technological transfer;
f) Study toxins and poisons in marine organisms and environment; provide food quality testing service;
g) Build up a collection of living and non-living marine specimens, exchange the specimens inside and outside the country, and transfer oceanographic museum techniques;
h) Apply new research results and technologies, provide scientific and technological services in oceanographic and other related sciences;
i) Provide postgraduate education and training on oceanographic and other related sciences;
j) Develop international cooperation in oceanographic and other related sciences;

Research Departments:

- Marine Physics
- Marine Geology and Geomorphology
- Marine Plankton
- Marine Ecology
- Hydro - Geochemistry
- Marine Botany
- Marine Living Resources
- Marine Vertebrate
- Aquaculture Technology
- Marine Biochemistry
- Center for Oceanographic Data; GIS & Remote Sensing

Supporting units: 

- Department of Administration
- Department of Information and Library
- Center for Marine Natural Resources and Environment Monitoring
- Center for Consultancy, Application and Technology Transfer in Marine Science

Museum of Oceanography:  

- Division of Marine Specimen Management, Preparation and Exhibition design
- Division of Aquaculture Technique
- Division of Communication and Environmental Education

Total: 121

- Professors: 02
- Associate Professors: 01
- Doctors: 17    
- Masters: 44
- Bachelors: 34
- Others: 23


Third, Second and First-class Labour Medals before 2005

General facts and figures of 2021:

- Number of projects carried out: 13 national projects; 11 VAST projects, 08 ministerial and provincial projects; 14 IO projects; 03 projects under the Youth Research Program and 04 research projects under the Senior Research Program.
- Doctoral education: 03 students are under the PhD program at the Faculty of Marine Science and Technology (Graduate University of Science and Technology), hosted by the Institute. One has defended his thesis, 02 others are doing thematic research.
- Capacity building: 02 IO’s scientists study abroad (PhD program), 4 study at home (MSc program), 25 others completed the training program for department managers.
- Yearly budget: 18,022 million VND, of which 11,550 for funded projects, 6,472 for scientific contracts.
- Publication: 85 papers in international and national journals, conference proceedings and monographs.
- Conferences and workshops organized/ co-organized: 02
- International cooperation agreements signed: 01
- Outward and incoming visits: 0



Recently, a research team from the Department of Marine Plankton, Institute of Oceanography published a paper in the Journal of Phycology 57(3): 1059-1083 (ranked Q1 in the list of ISI articles of NAFOSTED) on research results with important discovery value in the taxonomy of microalgae for the world. Information on the genus Ostreopsis from Vietnamese waters and the redescription of the type species of Ostreopsis, O. siamensis, clearly defines the identity and the taxonomic and phylogenetic position of this species. The uncertainly about the identity of O. siamensis has been a source of confusion for plankton researchers for more than 100 years. The present results show that O. siamensis is a subtropical/tropical species and that the species reported as O. cf. siamensis from various temperate sites should be assigned to a separate presently undescribed species. Research results on O. siamensis with materials collected in Vietnam are recognized on the Algaebase website,

Ostreopsis siamensis was first erected by Danish scientist, Johannes Schmidt in the southern part of Koh Chang, Gulf of Thailand in 1901 and 80 years later, Fukuyo (1981) found this species in Ryukyu Islands (Japan). Presently, scientists around the world have identified 11 species of the genus Ostreopsis. The different species have almost the same phenotype and the tabulation, which is widely used for morphological identification of dinoflagellates, is more or less similar in species of Ostreopsis. Therefore, a revision and redesciption of the species have to be based on both morphological and genetic analyses.

The questions raised were “Will the species of O. siamensis change its morphology after more than 100 years with changes in the environment and global warming; Is this species real or does it no longer exist in the marine environment?” Scientists could not find holotype materials in the Natural History Museums of Denmark and this has created much controversy in taxonomy.

Figures A-H. Strain of VNPQ216, Ostreopsis siamensis from Vietnamese waters was recognized as epitype (Nguyen-Ngoc L.  et al. 2021), deposited at Oceanographic Museum (Institute of Oceanography),  VNM Herbarium (Institute of Tropical Biology), and Natural History Museum of Denmark.

Morphological and genetic analyses of material collected from Con Dao Island, tidal beach of My Hoa (Phan Rang, Ninh Thuan), Nha Trang bay, Ghenh Rang (Quy Nhon) have revealed a species that is morphologicaly completely similar to the original description of Schmidt (1901), and the Vietnamese species from these localities all has the same genotype. However, redescription of a type species should ideally include material the type locality or localties nearby. Ostreopsis siamensis was described from the Thai island, Koh Chang, in the Gulf of Thailand (Schmidt 1901). The Vietnamese island, Phu Quoc, is located only a few hundred kilometres from the type locality. Wild material as well as cultures collected on this island were identified and redescribed as O. siamensis, and similar to material collected at Con Dao, My Hoa, Nha Trang, and Quy Nhon. Thus the present study provided a redesription of the type species of Ostreopsis and it also showed that this benthic dinoflagellate is a common and widely distributed species in Vietnamese waters.

This research results have resolved the controversy  in  species identification of Ostreopsis siamensis over the world for more than a century. The cultured strain, VNPQ218, is depicted as epitype.

Together with other published works on HAB forecasting and bio-oceanography, and climate change during past ten years, phytoplankton team of the Institute of Oceanography (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) have proved and affirmed their capacity in the field of phytoplankton research in the country .

Mr. Nicolas Warnery, French Ambassador to Vietnam visited the Institute of Oceanography in April 2021