Project's information

Project's title Research of aplication wastewater treatment technology for traditional fish sauce production villages
Project’s code ĐL0000.02/18-19
Coordinating unit, co-chair Research of aplication wastewater treatment technology for traditional fish sauce production villages
Project leader’s name Bui Quang Minh
Job Title, The rank of a Professor, Academic degree Dr
Project duration 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019
Project’s budget 2.000.000 VND
Classify Fair
Goal and objectives of the project
- Research of application electrochemical Oxidation technology for wastewater treatment from fish sauce production process at traditional villages follow Viet Nam standard. 
- Aplication of Electrochemical Oxidation technology for wastewater treatment and creative equitment system of fish sauce production process with 200 liter/hour capacity. 
- Writing the operating process equitment system for application and transfer technology from fish sauce wastewater at Phu Quôc Island. 
Main results
+ Theoretical results: 
- Research on effect  of eletrode material, the result indicate that Cu/Zn Cathode is high efficency. 
- Research on influent of current dencity, the result show that the current density at 30mA/cm2 is optimal result.  
- The research result show the PH8 is highest removal efficiency.
- Research on the creative of equitment electrochemical oxidation system with 200L/hour, the result at 25A current density the concentration of oganic compound reach column A QCVN/11.2015-BTNMT for wastewater dischard during 1 hour treatment. 
- The project has helped 3 students successefully defend the university thesis. 
- The electrochemical oxidation equitment system has been accepted by an ultility solution. 
+ Applied results : 
- The elechochemical oxidation equitment is lightweight, highly flexible, easy to operating, suitable for traditional villages fish sauce production with high NaCl concentration.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results - Performent successfully Electrochemical Oxidation Equitment system for wastewater treatment  with 200L/hour capacity applying chemical oxidation process. The equitment system with advantages such as not use chemistry, not sluges,  not influent by temperature. 
Products of the project - The Electrochemical Oxidation Equitment system with 200L/hour capacity.

The project is high applicability and flexible for wastewater treatment contain high NaCl concentration specially wastewater from fish sauce production. Therefore, 
- Large scale research on the capacity the electrochemical oxidation equitment system. 
- Research and application development for the other wastewater( dye wastewater, domestic wastewater, piggery wastewater) contain high Organic concentration.
- Research on energy recovery device( solar energy recovery, wind energy recovery) 

Images of project