Project's information

Project's title Conducting Scientific Research on the Protection and Conservation of Natural Heritage in Vietnam
Project’s code BSTMV.08/16-19
Project leader’s name Nguyen Thien Tao
Job Title, The rank of a Professor, Academic degree Assoc. Prof
Project’s budget 4.000 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project
- Giving status assessment of Natural heritages in Vietnam.
- Providing the scientific basis for the evaluation of protection and conservation of natural heritages in Vietnam.
- Suggesting the solutions on protection, conservation and exploitation of natural heritages for sustainable development in Vietnam.  
Main results

- Theoretical results: The sub-project provided the updated database on the natural heritage system in Vietnam. Simultaneously, the sub-project also presented the scientific basis for protection, conservation and sustainable development of the nature. Thus, the results are the reliability references for management agencies and science institutes in socioeconomic development activities. Especially, the outcomes showed the holistic approach on the link between conservation and sustainable development of natural heritages in Vietnam
- Applied results: The sub-project proposed to create a system of in-situ museum which will contribute to capacity building and development of Vietnam National Museum of Nature System (Research hosting institution). Regarding to natural heritages and other natural protected areas, the research results of the sub-project will help the community understand the purpose and importance of the protection and conservation of biodiversity, as well as the benefits that conservation brings to the socio-economic development. 

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

- The research supplemented and assessed the current protection and conservation status of natural heritages on biodiversity, geology and landscape at protected areas in Vietnam. 
- Providing the scientific basis for protection and conservation of natural heritages in Vietnam. 
- Purposing the solutions on protection, conservation and exploitation of natural heritages in Vietnam.  

Products of the project
Products of type 2:
- Report on current protection and conservation status of natural heritages in Vietnam (on biology, geology, ecology and economic). 
- Map of distribution of the natural heritages, geological heritages, biosphere reserves and national parks in Vietnam (Scale: 1/1.000.000). 
- Report on assessing the scientific basis of the current status of natural heritage classifications in Vietnam. 
- Information system, database related to the service of protection and conservation the natural heritages in Vietnam. 
- Scientific basis of assessment of protection and conservation of natural heritages in Vietnam.
- Purposing the solutions on protection and conservation of natural heritages in Vietnam.  
Products of type 3:
- 06 SCIE’s articles & other international science articles. 
- 05 articels in national science journals.
- 01 report on international symposium. 
- Supporting for 01 PhD students and 02 master students (completed master’s degree). 
- Research on transfer to relevant ministries and agencies as the basis for effective management. 
- Uploading the entire database to information system managed by the Vietnam Museum of Nature. Moreover, establishing the open data source to collect information from scientists, regulators, managers and other people. 
Images of project
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