Project's information

Project's title Investigating and assessing the variation of heat stress indices in response to climate change trends in Hanoi City
Project’s code VAST05.01/22-23
Research hosting institution Institute of Geography
Project leader’s name Associate Professor. Dr. Hoang Luu Thu Thuy
Project duration 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2023
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Grade A
Goal and objectives of the project
- Assess the temporal and spatial variation of heat stress indices in response to climate change trends.
- Investigate the correlation between heat stress indices and specific weather-related health issues.
Deliver community alerts based on the analysis of variations in heat stress indices for the protection of public health.
Main results

- Theoretical results:
The project has consolidated meteorological factors contributing to heat stress in Hanoi, while also examining the variation of heat stress indices across both temporal and spatial distributions in the context of climate change. The research has also initiated evaluating the relationship between certain temperature-related diseases and key meteorological factors, as well as heat stress indices.
Several solutions have been proposed to enhance community health and respond to heat stress phenomena.
- Applied results:
The results of analyzing and synthesizing meteorological factors contributing to heat stress in Hanoi, along with the variation of heat stress indices across both temporal and spatial distributions in the context of climate change, constitute an essential theoretical resource for the development of research in biometeorology. It serves as reference material for students in universites and training institutions specializing in climatology.
The results of assessing the relationship between heat stress indices and certain weather-related diseases, especially temperature-related ones, are scientifically and practically valuable. They serve as an informative alert channel for the community, aiming to protect health and adapt to increasingly frequent extreme heatwaves or cold spells within the context of climate change.

Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results
- Evaluated the variation of meteorological factors influencing heat stress indices.
- Assessed the temporal and spatial variations of heat stress indices.
- Preliminarily identify the relationship between heat stress indices and associated diseases, and propose solutions to cope with heat stress, thereby protecting community health.
Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
(1) Thuy L. T. Hoang, Hung N. Dao*, Phuong T. Cu, Van T.T. Tran, Tuan P. Tong, Son T. Hoang, Vu V.Vuong, Thang N. Nguyen, Assessing Heat index changes in the context of climate change: A case study of Hanoi (Vietnam), Frontier in Earth Science, Doi 10.3389/feart 2022.897601 (10/2022); P.1-11. SCIE, Impact Factor: 3.6 (Q1).
(2) Hung N. Dao, Thuy L. T. Hoang, Thao B. Dang, Thao T. Tran. (2022). Evaluating the variation of heat stress in Hanoi City. HNUE Journal of Science, Natural Sciences, 67(1), 115-122.
- Patents (list):
- Technological products (describe in details: technical characteristics, place):

- Other products (if applicable): Trained 02 graduate student.

Research region

Assign the Institute of Geography, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology to continue organizing research in order to scientifically complete the project’s results.

Images of project
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