Project's information

Project's title A study on estimating the blue carbon stock in seagrass meadows in the coastal areas of Vietnam
Project’s code VAST06.01/22-23
Research hosting institution Institute of Marine Environment and Resources
Project leader’s name Dr. Cao Van Luong
Project duration 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2023
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Grade A
Goal and objectives of the project

- To determine the organic carbon stock in typical seagrass meadows in some coastal areas of Vietnam;
- To propose solutions for management, exploitation, effective and sustainable use of seagrass meadow ecosystems in the coastal areas of Vietnam

Main results
- Theoretical results: The compilation of a dataset on the species composition and distribution area of typical seagrass beds in Vietnam is a monumental task. It encompasses the organic carbon content and reserves across four pivotal research areas, representing the coastal regions of North, North Central, South Central, and South Vietnam. This dataset is not only scientifically valuable but also practically significant, serving as a foundation for subsequent research programs and the socio-economic development of coastal areas in Vietnam.
- Applied results: The primary research findings have been disseminated through international and national scientific journals, thereby transferring new contributions to the field of seagrass science to both local and global scientific communities. This has opened up opportunities for future collaborative research in related fields. Notably, the species composition and total distribution area of seagrass up to the year 2020 have been determined. A comprehensive assessment of the blue carbon stock within these seagrass beds has been instrumental in establishing carbon credits for these ecosystems.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

For the first time, a complete dataset detailing the species composition and distribution area of 50 representative seagrass beds in Vietnam has been compiled. This dataset is a milestone in marine biodiversity research and provides a baseline for future ecological studies and conservation efforts. (2) The dataset includes detailed information on species composition, distribution area, and dry biomass reserves for seagrass beds in four key areas: Hà Đông, Cửa Gianh, Vân Phong, and Phú Quốc. This level of detail allows for a nuanced understanding of the ecological dynamics within these regions. (3) The dataset goes further to quantify the organic carbon content and reserves within these seagrass beds. By calculating the economic value of this ‘blue carbon,’ the dataset underscores the role of seagrass beds in global carbon sequestration efforts and their potential in climate change mitigation strategies.

Products of the project
- Scientific papers in referred journals:
International journals
Nguyen, M.-L., Kim, M.-S.; Nguyen, N.-T.N.; Nguyen, X.-T.; Cao, V.-L.; Nguyen, X.-V.; Vieira, C., 2023. Marine Floral Biodiversity, Threats, and Conservation in Vietnam: An Updated Review. Plants, 12(9), 1862.
Nguyen X-V, Phan TTH, Cao V-L, Nguyen Nhat N-T, Nguyen T-H, Nguyen X-T, Lau V-K, Hoang C-T, Nguyen-Thi M-N, Nguyen HM, Dao V-H, Teichberg M and Papenbrock J., 2022. Current advances in seagrass research: A review from Viet Nam. Front. Plant Sci. 13:991865.
Domestic journals
Van Luong Cao, Manh Linh Nguyen, Tuan Minh Bui, 2023. A Discussion on the Renaming of Cymodocea serrulata to Oceana serrulata: Implications for Seagrass Research and Conservation in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 23(4): 419-427.
Books, other:
Cao Van Luong, Dam Duc Tien, Tran Thi Phuong Anh, Nguyen Van Quan, Nguyen Dac Ve, Nguyen Manh Linh. Seagrass Ecosystems in Some Typical Lagoons in the Central Region of Vietnam. Natural Science and Technology Publishing House, 286 (In Vietnamese). (Specialized books Accepted for publication).
Nguyen Dac Ve, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Bui Van Vuong, 2023. Application of multi-temporal Landsat image data to analyze the coastal forum of Phu Quoc island, Kien Giang province. Collection of reports from the Science and Technology Conference "Application of new technology in acquiring, processing, updating and sharing geospatial data", Publishing House. Natural Resources - Environment and Vietnam Map, pp.236-246. (In Vietnamese).
- Patents: none.
- Technological products: (1) Summary report, statistical analysis of data on the current status of species composition, distribution characteristics and area of seagrass beds in Vietnam; (2) Report assessing the current status, changes in species composition, distribution characteristics and reserves of some typical seagrass beds; (3) Map of current distribution status of seagrass beds in Vietnam; (4) Report assessing organic carbon reserves in fresh biomass and sediment of typical seagrass beds in some coastal areas of Vietnam; (5) Report assessing the total organic carbon reserves of seagrass beds in Vietnam and evaluating their value; (6) Original data set of analysis results of organic carbon content in biomass and sediment of seagrass beds in Vietnam; (7). The report proposes solutions for the effective and sustainable management and use of seagrass ecosystems in Vietnam.
- Other products: Certificate of Support for 01 PhD student.
Images of project
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