Project's information

Project's title Investigation, evaluation for the characteristics of the Ninh Co River delta front and the related accumulation – erosion processes.
Project’s code UQĐTCB.03/20-21
Research hosting institution Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics
Project leader’s name Duong Quoc Hung PhD.
Project duration 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022
Project’s budget 1,200 million VND
Classify Grade B
Goal and objectives of the project
- To clarify the Ninh Co’ front deltaic sediment characteristics within the relationship of sediment sources and sea level changes;
- To evaluate and estimate the impacts of sea-river dynamic system to the accumulation – erosion processes at Ninh Co’ river mouth area;
- To propose solutions for stabilization the Ninh Co’ river mouth area for the transport and flood discharge purposes.
Main results
- Theoretical results:
+ Update the data base of site survey data including oceanography, hydrometeology, sea bed sediment samples, georadar, 2D electric and high resolution seismic methods;
+ Establish the recent sea bed sediment distribution sketch map, scale 1:10.000; 
+ Establish the front delta seismic-geological sections interpreted according to the sequence stratigraphy principles;
+ Interpret the relationships between sediment and hydrodynamic characteristics;
+ Clarify the development history of the Ninh Co’ shoreline and front delta from 1965 up to now, estimate the development trend up to 2050;
+ Propose the adaptable solutions to stabilize the water transport and flood discharge capabilities. 
- Applied results:
+ The new and updated datasets of oceanography, hydrometeology, sea bed sediment samples, georadar, 2D electric and high resolution seismic;
+ The optimized input parameters of the MIKE 21/3 package for the river mouth and adjacent areas;
+ Reliable scientific foundations for the master planning the coastal zone management and economic development by the stable development and green growth approaches.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results
- To clarify the formation and development of the Ninh Co’ front delta in the interactive relations of impact factors, including of natural factors (topography, geomorphology, environment, climate, sea-river dynamics) and human activities (damp construction, irrigation, aquaculture, mangrove forest plant,…);
To establish the scenario of Ninh Co’ front delta development up to 2050 in the scope of climate changes and sea level rise, propose the suitable solutions for accumulation – erosion controlling and water transport and flood discharge capable stabilizing.
Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
+ Mai Duc Dong et al., The transport trend of recent sediment within the near shore seabed of Hai Hau, Nam Dinh province, southwest Red River delta, (submitted to Frontiers in Earth Science, Section Quaternary Science, Geomorphology and Paleoenvironment,).
+ Nguyễn Ngọc Tiến và nnk., Đặc điểm của nồng độ phù sa lơ lửng và sự phân bố vùng nước đục cực đại ven biển cửa sông Mê Kông, Journal Marine Sciences and Technology (accepted).
- Other products (if applicable):
+ 15 processed high resolution seismic sections;
+ 16 processed Georadar sections;
+ Scientific report: Sediment charactristics in the relationship with hydro-geodynamics;
+ Scientific report: Estimation of shorline changes in the next 30 years; 
+ Scientific report: “Actual status and scientific/technic solutions for stabilize the water transport and flood discharge capable.”

Research area Nam Dinh Department of Natural Resource and Environment.
- The researh results could be ued to determine the Master Plan for region coastal zone for the year 2050 according to the stable development and green growth approaches;
- Consider the optimized solution(s) to control the sediment balances in study area.


Images of project