Project's information

Project's title Study on the optimal distribution of pollution sources and estimation of total maximum dayily pollution load for the purpouse of control and management of water environment in river basins in Vietnam
Project’s code Project's code:VAST07.05/18-19.
Research hosting institution Department of International Co-operation
Project leader’s name Ha Ngoc Hien
Project’s budget 600 million VND
Classify Excellent
Goal and objectives of the project

• Establishing a scientific basis for determining the reasonable distribution of pollution sources and calculating the maximum daily pollution load with numerical models that take into account the different self-cleaning processes and types of waste sources.
• Determining the maximum daily load for organic and nutrient pollution for some river segments in Cau river basin.
• Proposing a procedure for calculating the maximum pollution load and the suggested solution for water quality management in the Cau river basin.

Main results
- Theoretical results:
(1) Obtain analytical solution for the problem of optimal distribution of pollution sources on a river segment taking into account the effect of turbulence diffusion and self-cleaning of pollutants.
(2) Establish a scientific basis for determining the maximum daily pollution load on the basis of numerical models.
- Applied results:
(1) Proposing a procedure for calculating the maximum daily pollution load on the basis of numerical models.
(2) Determining the maximum daily pollution load for BOD, COD, TN and TP for 07 river segment on Cau river main stream from Cho Moi to Pha Lai.
Novelty and actuality and scientific meaningfulness of the results

(1) Obtain analytical solution for the problem of optimal distribution of pollution sources on a river segment taking into account the effect of turbulence diffusion and self-cleaning of pollutants.
(2) Proposing a new procedure to calculating the maximum daily pollution load on the basis of numerical models.
 (3) Determining the maximum daily pollution load for BOD, COD, TN and TP for 07 river segment on Cau river main stream from Cho Moi to Pha Lai.

Products of the project

- Scientific papers in referred journals (list):
(1) Pham Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Van Tam, Ha Ngoc Hien and Bui Huy Hoang. Assessment of pollution load generated from socio-economic activities in Cau River basin in Bac Kan, Thai Nguyen, Bac Giang and Bac Ninh provinces. Journal of the Environment (ISSN: 1859-042X), Topic IV (2018), 43-47.
(2) Bui Huy Hoang, Ha Ngoc Hien, Nguyen Thi Nhu Dinh, Nguyen Anh Thao, Pham Thi Thu Ha, Jaya Kandasamy, Tien Vinh Nguyen. Integration of SWAT and QUAL2K for water quality modeling in a data scarce basin of Cau River basin in Vietnam. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 19 (2019) 210–223.
(3) Bui Huy Hoang and Ha Ngoc Hien. Research on applying automatic calibration method using genetic algorithm in simulating changes in river water quality: Test case of Cau river basin. Proceedings of the 21st National Scientific Conference on Fluid Mechanics (July 2018), ISBN: 978-604-913-837-9.
(4). Hà Ngọc Hiến, Bùi Huy Hoàng. Lời giải giải tích cho bài toán tối ưu xác định sức chịu tải ô nhiễm cho một đoạn sông. Báo cáo tại Hội nghị khoa học Cơ học Thủy khí toàn quốc lần thứ 22 (7/2019) (Đã báo cáo).
- Other products (if applicable):
(1) Proposal of a new procedure to calculating the maximum daily pollution load on the basis of numerical models.
(2) Determination of the maximum daily pollution load for BOD, COD, TN and TP for 07 river segment on Cau river main stream from Cho Moi to Pha Lai.

Research region

- Thai Nguyen and Bac Ninh Department of Environmental Protection
- Environmental Protection Committee of Cau River basin


The results of the project are applicable to other river systems in Vietnam.